Original Culture.

Cowards in a mob become fearless while
the brave become cowards.
Where were you?

You stand and watch as the seeds of hatred
are sawn around you.
When they attacked the weakest amongst you
did you say, “Let his will be done”?

With one hand on the Bible and the other on a firearm,
you look but do not see the evil that hate spews.

You say what’s wrong for them
is not wrong for me!

You walk the streets of righteousness
but you refuse to understand the word of God.

You say you love the babe and then crucify the man.
Words once honored turn to lies.
You run and hide from the truth when
you turn your back on all that you preach.

Let them live in freedom if
they are like me, you say.

Have your views on the light, the truth, and the way changed?

Confusion reigns, what have you become?

You make spears out of olive branches.
Do your acts make you a hypocrite?

Injustice to any of us,
is an injustice to us all.  (: tony


Loves City.

LOVE… Is not at fault for arriving.      Is fate and destiny.    Is the thought of you.           

 Is the same today as it will be tomorrow.    Is a high.      Is never a little bit.

  Is joy and sorrow.       Is a connection to our soul.            Is motivation.

 Is an unspoken promise.      Is possession.   Is on its schedule.

  Is feeling powerful and powerless at the same time.    Is a dreamer.        

 Is wanting to get into another’s head.   Is a living thing.       

 Is unable to force itself upon another.     Is a living thing.      

 Is growing or it is dying.           Is aware regardless of distance.

 Is a sense of never being alone.    Is fierce.    Is meant for us.

 Is a song that makes you come alive.     Is life.      Is finding yourself.

 s always burning.      Is a state of sleepwalking.    Is so easy.

 Is trying to fix the broken.    Is unforgettable.  Is agony and ecstasy

 Comes in its fashion.   Never abandons.

 Does not ask for forgiveness for being.


Love is the light. (: Tony




Tea Time.

Our consciousness is linked to the universe.

Life is a flow,

we experience pain when we try to control it.

The foolish think reason is foolish.
The foolish think everything is their problem.
The foolish stay with those that bring them down.
The foolish have no desire to change.
The foolish try to control others while

they are unable to control themselves.
The foolish stop learning.
The foolish raise their voices, not their argument.
The foolish only accept their confirmation bias.
The foolish think their worries are a reliable source. (: Tony


Jewel in the fog.